Who are you and what do you do?
My name is Brandon J. Mendelson, and I am the College Community Organizer for the 1 in 8 Foundation.
Why are you coming to BCNI Philly?
Because I am a blogger with the Albany Times Union and have about eight years or so of college media experience, so I thought I’d have something interesting to contribute to the discussion. More importantly though, I feel like I can learn so much more at BCNI Philly by listening to what the attendees have to say.
What do you plan on presenting?
Not sure yet. Probably something about using Twitter to save lives. We’re up to 47,000 followers right now and I’m only just now getting into a groove with our tour.
Where can we find you online?
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/BJMendelson
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/brandonmendelson
Web: http://www.thebrandonshow.com
Final question, and its an impossible task. With one word, finish this sentence: What the news industry really needs is ___.
What the news industry really needs is to drop the bullshit.
Newspapers are better than this than TV stations because newspapers need to evolve. TV stations are still recycling the same old stories every year with the same old editorial calendar, and that model just can’t sustain itself.