More details to come soon. But we just want to thank all of our sponsors, volunteers and all the people that helped make BCNIPhilly possible.
After we let the dust settle for a few days, check back here for a list of reactions from around the Web. If you have any photos, video or text you’d like to share with the world, tag them BCNIPhilly and/or drop a comment below.
- Qik videos of session by Purple Car
- A quick recap of BCNIPhilly by Jason Kristufek
- Technically Philly Session (Part One, Part Two, Part Three) by Roxbury News
- Technically Philly Session by Technically Philly
- Publish2 Session by Roxbury News
- Howard Weaver by Jeanmarie Evelly
- What is BNCI? by Jeanmarie Evelly
- Steven King by Jeanmarie Evelly
- Christopher Wink, Pat Thornton by Indrani Datta, Sophie Cocke, Jeanmarie Evelly (scroll to bottom)
- All of the Twitpics.
- Temple News Flickr Set
- Cool Gates’ Flickr Set
- Powen’s Flickr Set
- Samurai Virtual Tours’ set on Flickr
Blog Posts:
- SwineFlu and the Changing News Ecology by Daniel Bachuber
- News Innovation viewed from Twitter by Amy Gahran
- Why beatblog and why news should be social by Pat Thornton.
- Yesterday’s BCNI by Karl Martino
- BCNI Philly ranks #3; brings me “tweeps” by Whitney Rhodes
- Linglestown Gazette: Around lower Paxton with b2 by Bill Bostic
- Summer Plans, UWIRE 100 and BarCamp Philly by Emily Kostic
- BarCamp suggests our situation isnt beyond repair by Howard Weaver
- Guest post: Finding inspiration at BCNIPhilly by Margarita Venegas
- Technically Philly web gurus spill start-up secrets by Whitney Rhodes
- Applying the link economy to j-school by Jackie Hai
- Intro to BeatBlogging by Whitney Rhodes
- How would you implement the Complete Community Connection? by Jason Kristufek
- The Future of News at BCNIPhilly by Indrani Datta, Sophie Cocke, Jeanmarie Evelly
- Swarming the local news by Samurai Virtual Tours
- BarCamp NewsInnovation at Temple by Samurai Virtual Tours
- Advertising can’t be the only option and other musings from BarCamp NewsInnovation by Christopher Wink
Live Blogs:
- Separating Content from Production by Greg Linch
- Washington Post Web ninjas by Greg Linch
- Publish2 by Greg Linch
- CoPress session on j-schools by Greg Linch
- Publish2 Newsgroup
Summer Plans, UWire 100 and BarCamp Philly | Journalism 3.0:
[…] since BarCamp was such a productive, insightful day. Weren’t there? Catch up on some of the discussions and videos from BarCamp Philly. It was truly a great event, thanks to the hard work of Sean Blanda and […]
How would you implement the Complete Community Connection? « Jason Kristufek’s We Media blog
[…] 28, 2009 by wemediaguru This post is aimed at the News Innovators including those I just met at BarCamp NewsInnovation Philadelphia. Yesterday, my colleague Steve Buttry published a blueprint for change in a concept called the […]
Jackie Hai | Convergence Commons | Applying the link economy to j-school
[…] fine folks at CoPress hosted a session at Saturday’s BCNI Philly on reinventing j-schools, sparking off some interesting conversations (see a live blog of the event […]
Technically Philly » BCNIPhilly Roundup | Covering the Community of People Who Use Technology in Philadelphia.
[…] keep the event running smoothly. To see the world’s reaction to the event, head on over to the official BCNI Philly page for a running list of all of the blog posts, photos and […]
BCNI Philly Brings Citizens and Journalists Together to Collaborate on the Future of News Media « Spot Us - “Community Funded Reporting”
[…] compiling all of the interviews and events recorded during the conference and making them available here. Below is a succinct example submitted by journalist Jean-Marie Evelly featuring Howard Weaver, […]
My top takeaways from BarCamp NewsInnovation Philly « Jason Kristufek’s We Media blog
[…] comprehensive roundup of the reaction from #bcniphilly gives a better overview of the day than I can, but I want to go into more […]
Advertising can't be the only option and other musings from BarCamp NewsInnovation « Christopher Wink
[…] out all the other coverage people made for BarCamp, or follow the enormous coverage on Twitter by combing through #BCNIPhilly — because even […]
I like him . i think obama is one of best president of america .