While BarCamp has an open grid format, some attendees have reached out and told us on what they plan to present. Keep in mind that, thanks to BarCamp’s structure, this could all change at any time. But hopefully, along with last years presentation list, it can provide some inspiration for other presentations. You are presenting, right?
- Daniel Bachhuber – Current state of Knowledge Management Systems: Daniel plans to explore the structured data could be categorizing in every story they write.
- Mel Taylor, sales consultant – Profitable local news outlets
- Andrew Mendelson, Journalism chair, Temple University: Temple University is poised to make the switch to a track-less journalism curriculum that emphasizes entrepreneurship and the web.
- Drew Lazor, Food editor, Citypaper: Drew runs the one of the most popular food blogs in the city, Meal Ticket. He plans on offerring tips for leveraging the Citypaper’s brand to win the competitive food blog wars in Philly.
- Marc Steel, Online Editor, Citypaper: Marc never saw a database he couldn’t whip into shape. Who knows what he’ll talk about?
- Jim MacMillan, Photographer/Founder, Who What Now: Jim hasn’t told us what he’s presenting, just that he is.