Here are some outcomes from our 9th annual journalism unconference

Here are some tweets from the many about the 2017 Klein News Innovation Camp!

Daniel Victor of the New York Times reminds that reporters talking to people remains the best way to represent our work

Jess Estepa of USA Today hosted a popular self-care session

Washington Posts’s Aram Zucker-Scharff talked about a new era of the personalized web. (Links)

Josh Cornfield of the Associated Press discussed reporter partisanship online today

We at Technically Media shared ideas for our coming membership pilot and talked with others.

That membership conversation led to the reminder that Journalism is a Set of Values, not an Industry of Competitors

12 journalists received Narcan training, including Philly Weekly’s Max Marin

The current and future of the region’s open data portal OpenDataPhilly was discussed

120 people sat in for a lunchtime keynote with Bryan Monroe

We talked about fake news… a lot

We had a ‘Gigs and Callouts’ board that people used plenty

Greg Linch of McClathy discussed diverse sources

People really liked lunch

We heard about solutions journalism examples

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